Saturday, August 31, 2013
a book web page is fading into obscurity since i have not been writing and blogging about IT
The Geist Chronicles - a story an epic in the works a figment of my mind of a dream of a moment I had years ago. Years. Dreams ago. A long time ago.
In short in summary in a moment I would say that the story is about what is next for man kind. The story is a kind of Jedi Knight like thingy mixed with the Seventh Generation sprinkled with Eckhart Tolle and a bit of additive of Celestine Prophecy spiced with Bourne Identity and Star Trek.
We are not about overpowering others we are about helping others, about love. To over power others is to hate. To love is to help. In the process of this we find we are not about this body. This body is just a manifested container that holds the spirit. The spirit is filled with a mix of love and hate. The spirit is energy.
Ergo we can go places withOUT the body and - come back.
Oops. Sorry Church. Your corner on the market will take a hit... but only if fear drives the thinking and then that corner is in jeopardy. If love is the answer then that is the only concern. Not gold. Not real estate and pomp and ceremony. But however and this story is not new. The ball buster is that it is not new. Only the power mongers do not want the truth out. The truth sets everyone free. That threatens the prime real estate on the corner.
The Geist Chronicles - a story an epic in the works a figment of my mind of a dream of a moment I had years ago. Years. Dreams ago. A long time ago.
In short in summary in a moment I would say that the story is about what is next for man kind. The story is a kind of Jedi Knight like thingy mixed with the Seventh Generation sprinkled with Eckhart Tolle and a bit of additive of Celestine Prophecy spiced with Bourne Identity and Star Trek.
We are not about overpowering others we are about helping others, about love. To over power others is to hate. To love is to help. In the process of this we find we are not about this body. This body is just a manifested container that holds the spirit. The spirit is filled with a mix of love and hate. The spirit is energy.
Ergo we can go places withOUT the body and - come back.
Oops. Sorry Church. Your corner on the market will take a hit... but only if fear drives the thinking and then that corner is in jeopardy. If love is the answer then that is the only concern. Not gold. Not real estate and pomp and ceremony. But however and this story is not new. The ball buster is that it is not new. Only the power mongers do not want the truth out. The truth sets everyone free. That threatens the prime real estate on the corner.
blog charts and TED talks cafe benches and strangers
This morning.... lying in bed with two cats and an iPhone. Reading. Friends from long ago live a life of random vagabondishnish as professional sailors. They have a blog. Its good reading. Good is defined as something moving inspirational and pleasant as one is waking slowly in bed with two cats. Sideways in bed. Sometimes sideways is better. Sometimes it is the perfect thing to do when one can... wake slowly with two cats and an iPhone.
Reading seychelle.wordpress.com
You see they were sailing on the Mistral a classic 1938 Herreshoff Schoone. Dreams are made of such things and what better place to set the theme de dream? Rumbled sheets pillows two cats sideways at 07:30 slowly waking.
Also and because.
Jacob Barnett at TED Talks. Watching a video about a fourteen year old 'autistic' boy who really has some fantastic things to say. This is Samuel Ward's description: May 23, 2013 - At 8 years old, Jacob began sneaking into the back of college lectures at IUPUI. After being diagnosed with autism since the age of two and placed in his school’s special ed. program, Jacob’s teachers and doctors were astonished to learn he was able to teach calculus to college students. ... (sic) goes on to solve stuff ... that expanded Einstein's field of relativity.'...
Key... no let us go with pejorative stuff he says is to stop learning from books and teachers and start THINKING about things that you are passionate about.
So. The word that starts conversations around campfires and cafe tables... SO. Since my blog gets random and most likely robot pings on the pages... rather than people (York, you are not a people, you are a lion) I suspect this won't do my for my ratings. Dang.
However that is just fine. JUST FINE. he he.
I have enjoyed this morning. Still am. Now off to make some lists then tear a wall out to make a new closet that will get cedar lined panels and cool wooden doors.
First some lists.
rock on kids.
Reading seychelle.wordpress.com
You see they were sailing on the Mistral a classic 1938 Herreshoff Schoone. Dreams are made of such things and what better place to set the theme de dream? Rumbled sheets pillows two cats sideways at 07:30 slowly waking.
Also and because.
Jacob Barnett at TED Talks. Watching a video about a fourteen year old 'autistic' boy who really has some fantastic things to say. This is Samuel Ward's description: May 23, 2013 - At 8 years old, Jacob began sneaking into the back of college lectures at IUPUI. After being diagnosed with autism since the age of two and placed in his school’s special ed. program, Jacob’s teachers and doctors were astonished to learn he was able to teach calculus to college students. ... (sic) goes on to solve stuff ... that expanded Einstein's field of relativity.'...
Key... no let us go with pejorative stuff he says is to stop learning from books and teachers and start THINKING about things that you are passionate about.
So. The word that starts conversations around campfires and cafe tables... SO. Since my blog gets random and most likely robot pings on the pages... rather than people (York, you are not a people, you are a lion) I suspect this won't do my for my ratings. Dang.
However that is just fine. JUST FINE. he he.
I have enjoyed this morning. Still am. Now off to make some lists then tear a wall out to make a new closet that will get cedar lined panels and cool wooden doors.
First some lists.
rock on kids.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
A book in a library a boy and a girl and a moment that stayed with them twentyeight years later
I never understood why I kept that book. Why did I not return it to the high school library? Why did I not only carry it with me for twenty-eight years but also know EXACTLY where it was at all times. At first I justified my actions by reviewing again the due date list on the back page. This poor lonely book was checked out in March of 1962, January of 1972, December of 1975 and then my turn... February of 1985. Four times in twenty three years. Sad book.
The book? The book is the biography of a scientist Michelson and The Speed of Light by Bernard Jaffe. This man was America's first Nobel Prize winner. He used mirrors and prisms and candles to determine the speed of light by interpolating refraction rainbow patterns. Dry and why would I check it out keep it and in that moment a month ago know EXACTLY where it was in my home within reach to where I was on the phone and talking to a girl now a woman (still as beautiful now as she was then) who was in the library twenty-eight years ago at that moment that I picked it out of the shelves and she walked by me. Walked by and remembered that moment in her memory as "that boy is so into his book he did not notice me walk by."
Missy found me recently in April of this year on the nefarious FaceBook and when the friend request came through I knew exactly who she was and remembered her in high school with a smile in her team outfit for field hockey running out to practice. In our conversations as we began chatting lightly a month later in May that spooled up to the question "what is your memory of me so many years ago?" The answer was... the library isle, the boy, the book and a moment never forgotten.
The thing is because I checked that book out and never returned it because I have been lugging this object all around the country all these years and because immediately upon hearing Missy tell her end of the library isle moment I reached over and pulled the book from my book stack next to my desk I knew that indeed I did notice and I never forgot that moment either.
Our conversations during the next few months gained in trust friendship and intimate details shared. Sharing to the point where we made the effort to get together even though we live over 700 miles apart and when we got together it was magic.
Bounding leaping never wanting to let go of that first hug kind of magic.
A few days later when I dropped Missy off at the airport and went about my week I was astonished that each day after felt like a week and a week a month. While things went so well we were talking about connecting more permanently we quickly upped the time scale from January to October.
We are both in agreement that we don't want too much more time apart that something more than magical happened twenty-eight years ago and draws us both together today. That moment twenty-eight years ago between a boy and a girl in a library.
Isn't life amazing? Isn't it grand?
The book? The book is the biography of a scientist Michelson and The Speed of Light by Bernard Jaffe. This man was America's first Nobel Prize winner. He used mirrors and prisms and candles to determine the speed of light by interpolating refraction rainbow patterns. Dry and why would I check it out keep it and in that moment a month ago know EXACTLY where it was in my home within reach to where I was on the phone and talking to a girl now a woman (still as beautiful now as she was then) who was in the library twenty-eight years ago at that moment that I picked it out of the shelves and she walked by me. Walked by and remembered that moment in her memory as "that boy is so into his book he did not notice me walk by."
Missy found me recently in April of this year on the nefarious FaceBook and when the friend request came through I knew exactly who she was and remembered her in high school with a smile in her team outfit for field hockey running out to practice. In our conversations as we began chatting lightly a month later in May that spooled up to the question "what is your memory of me so many years ago?" The answer was... the library isle, the boy, the book and a moment never forgotten.
The thing is because I checked that book out and never returned it because I have been lugging this object all around the country all these years and because immediately upon hearing Missy tell her end of the library isle moment I reached over and pulled the book from my book stack next to my desk I knew that indeed I did notice and I never forgot that moment either.
Our conversations during the next few months gained in trust friendship and intimate details shared. Sharing to the point where we made the effort to get together even though we live over 700 miles apart and when we got together it was magic.
Bounding leaping never wanting to let go of that first hug kind of magic.
A few days later when I dropped Missy off at the airport and went about my week I was astonished that each day after felt like a week and a week a month. While things went so well we were talking about connecting more permanently we quickly upped the time scale from January to October.
We are both in agreement that we don't want too much more time apart that something more than magical happened twenty-eight years ago and draws us both together today. That moment twenty-eight years ago between a boy and a girl in a library.
Isn't life amazing? Isn't it grand?