Friday, September 30, 2005
sometimes just have to
resort to esoteric SUFI poetry
to remember that centuries ago
souls were pondering the purpose
I feel less alone when I know
that others too think
The Sufi is he
whose thought keeps pace
with his foot.
He is entirely present:
his soul is where his body is,
and his body is where his soul is,
and his soul is where his foot is,
and his foot is where his soul is.
This is the sign
of presence without absence.
Al-Hujwiri, 11th century
and then an ad on TV for the sucksion
dyson vacuum
and the guy galluping accross the street in another ad
more choice?
well... long day, when i got home, i ate food at the desk and started making mods to the code getting ready to work most of saturday at the office. we have a screen size for 'itty bitty monitors' that we have been working on and the intent is to do a remote beta site install.
i spent tonight aligning menus and buttons to reflect one name for a method... over time different names had been used for the same things... and not cleaned up. all was going well until i had to address this custom menu...where was it getting called from? what was controling it? ... could not find online any hints on how to ad or customize the menus... then... something (after hours of methodically trying one idea, looking at the next.. etc) i realized... the macros, look at the macro names....
found it, fixed it.
now... hoodi and the blowfish just sang on david letterman.... the cats are draped on me and i just read some sufi poetry...
well.... maybe a shot of vodka and take the dog out for a stare at the stars then off to bed.
i have to be up and out and at em in the am
i should be heading out to a contra dance sat night, that will be cool... it has been too long since i last danced and if you have never experienced a contra dance, they are so wonderful. Phaelan loves them, nothing but good vibes at a dance where the idea is everyone just shows up and gets out and dances.
so.... like ... ooof, point me to the pillows.
to remember that centuries ago
souls were pondering the purpose
I feel less alone when I know
that others too think
The Sufi is he
whose thought keeps pace
with his foot.
He is entirely present:
his soul is where his body is,
and his body is where his soul is,
and his soul is where his foot is,
and his foot is where his soul is.
This is the sign
of presence without absence.
Al-Hujwiri, 11th century
and then an ad on TV for the sucksion
dyson vacuum
and the guy galluping accross the street in another ad
more choice?
well... long day, when i got home, i ate food at the desk and started making mods to the code getting ready to work most of saturday at the office. we have a screen size for 'itty bitty monitors' that we have been working on and the intent is to do a remote beta site install.
i spent tonight aligning menus and buttons to reflect one name for a method... over time different names had been used for the same things... and not cleaned up. all was going well until i had to address this custom menu...where was it getting called from? what was controling it? ... could not find online any hints on how to ad or customize the menus... then... something (after hours of methodically trying one idea, looking at the next.. etc) i realized... the macros, look at the macro names....
found it, fixed it.
now... hoodi and the blowfish just sang on david letterman.... the cats are draped on me and i just read some sufi poetry...
well.... maybe a shot of vodka and take the dog out for a stare at the stars then off to bed.
i have to be up and out and at em in the am
i should be heading out to a contra dance sat night, that will be cool... it has been too long since i last danced and if you have never experienced a contra dance, they are so wonderful. Phaelan loves them, nothing but good vibes at a dance where the idea is everyone just shows up and gets out and dances.
so.... like ... ooof, point me to the pillows.