Saturday, May 28, 2005
anam cara
Anam Cara refers to the Celtic spiritual belief of souls connecting and bonding .
In Celtic Spiritual tradition, it is believed that the soul radiates all about the physical body, what some refer to as an aura. When you connect with another person and become completely open and trusting with that individual, your two souls begin to flow together. Should such a deep bond be formed, it is said you have found your Anam Cara or soul friend.
Your Anam Cara always accepts you as you truly are, holding you in beauty and light. In order to appreciate this relationship, you must first recognize your own inner light and beauty. This is not always easy to do. The Celts believed that forming an Anam Cara friendship would help you to awaken your awareness of your own nature and experience the joys of others.
According to John O'Donahue, an accomplished Irish poet, philosopher and Catholic priest, "...You are joined in an ancient and eternal union with humanity that cuts across all barriers of time, convention, philosophy and definition. When you are blessed with an anam cara, the Irish believe, you have arrived at that most sacred place: home."
examples from the book...
[page 19] a friend is a loved one who awakens your life in order to free the wild possibilities within you.
[page 23] Love opens the door of ancient recognition.
[page 26] The one you love, your anam cara, your soul friend, is the truest mirror to reflect your soul.
[page 33] When two people come together, an ancient circle closes between them. . . . When you really love someone, you shine the light of your soul on the beloved.
[page 41] The human person is a threshold where many infinities meet. There is the infinity of space that reaches out into the depths of the cosmos and the infinity of time reaching back over billions of years.
[page 47] A sacrament is a visible sign of invisible grace. In that definition there is a fine acknowledgment of how the unseen world comes to expression in the visible world.
.:This is my story:.
I feel I have found my Anam Cara, a soul friend whom with which a resonance never before felt in my interactions with people has stirred. Almost at once a lurking feeling bubbled that was different when we first met by chance beyond chance. The feeling too subtle to recognize spoke loudly the first day we met on our own accord after joining a group for a movie, we headed of to find coffee and talk. Boy did we talk. It was not babble of the aimless nor was it topics typically spoken on such a meeting, it was more like, in hindsight now, a catching up.
Catching up on a life lived we shared the kind of stories reserved for old college buddies and friends who have seen us in the hieght of joy and throws of fear or sadness. The stories we shared where of childhood pain and joy, hopes and fears, present day tribulations and situations that generally are kept close to the vest if it was a poker game. This was, this is, no game... not play, not meaningless positioning for a target acquisition and conquor routine. This was catching up on a life lived.
Each time we have gotten together in the the last twenty days the moments we share are like the minutes are hours and the hours weeks. I am in mild shock tabulating my feelings in line with the reality of hours together over ice cream coffee movies food or giggling in the car with my kid and dogs in tow. My only answer is Anam Cara. Soul Friend from a past I do not know.
I have had many dates in the past year since my divorce and while seperated in emotion occured years before and seperation of houseing after that and a year after that dating others.... I had found that women abound. Tall ones young ones old ones round ones smart ones dull ones. I tried many ways of meeting people available to date and discovered the falsness of online the positioning of people who play games the fact that reality is obfusicated by peoples emotions and those with lack of emotional maturity wanted things on time lines that were not cool. I had some real nice folks that could not wait for me to be 'ready' I had some real nice folks who became life friends and years later we had a nice fling or two knowing full well that we had no plans other then to console for a moment an old heart who had not been held in too long.
That continued to the point where I had decided I was destined to be single solo and better get on with just living and was doing that. Going out on a Wednesday night gathering of folks looking to create their own private episode from 'Friends' we met at a coffee shop every week and poised pondered and laughed about relationships and played UNO and lined up social things to do together as a group. It was on my way home from one of these I litteraly almost ran into a nieghbor and as I caught up to them down the road they said 'hey James is in town down at Coopersmiths!' by yelling from the car. I said 'COOL' and yanked a U turn on the motorcycle which is so easy to do and went to find parking. Getting to the pub I walked in and sat down and began to enjoy the company and catch up with the old pal who is off to risk his life at war overseas and you get a sense of, better say it now or for ever hold your piece so I focused on him and laughed and joked and enjoyed a beer and stayed for awhile. As time slid by, a person sat down in front of me and said 'so who are you?' since I was not part of the group of SAR folks, the odd man out like I often am. The outsider in a red Aeorstitch.
We chatted briefly and then a word was spoke ...'at I work one day a week at ...' and my chin audibly hit the table... NO WAY YOU ARE MIRANDA who CRASHED SKIING! OMG I have heard SSOO much about you and was told I should meet you..... she was like... OMG YYOOUURR JJUUSSTTIINN?! You are not what I pictured cause I had heard SSOO much about YYOOUU!!!!
What does one do with that? Odds at play the chance meeting of two people who have both been told by a mutual friend who was not at this gathering that they are so much like the other person that they should meet and being told this over time of about a year and things never working out or being set up to meet and then by slim chance of outside chance to meet.
Later that week I could not stop thinking about her, I asked mutual friends about what they knew about her and found out she had been asking about me too. wow. Then after some light chatting on email and some on a phone, we met at a gathering to see a movie and then drawn to know more, headed off to get quiet time with coffee and we spoke not like new friends but like two people who have a lot of catching up to do.
Since that time, not more then a month ago, with clarity of connection in ways that defie definition and span links in the metaphysical to other places we have been the only thing I can find as poetry and connection spew in private conversations and written too that I have found a friend of old whom we both shared past lives and stories and jokes to be told again. Anam Cara. Only today as we talked and mentioned how simple and easy it is to be with out guard or pretense and share ideas giggles and stories, I recalled Anam Cara, the book on tape that years ago I had listened to and could not remember what the message was from it. Other then it was and is important.
So I looked it up after a stressfull incident that we were forced to endure and I got done researching pressing things like statute 18-9-111 and learning what lines in boundries there are to make sure we are all safe, and finally we talked again on the phone, relieved I was to find the situation is full of drama and at a moment realizing too that it will be water under the bridge in a bit for some reason I recalled the word, Anam Cara and looked it up.
For nothing matters since now I know, a friend of old and I are together and have met again, to exchange peanut butter sandwhiches like from the end of the movie 'what dreams may come' and nothing else matters since two Soul Friends have found each other and each moment spent in company is like a second is an hour and and hour a week and in such short time of less then a month we have seen with clarity that this is not just two people who like the same sports and love of dogs....
We are friends of old reunited.
To be home at last, in hearth and soul, warms the heart of any good Celt.